Mardi 6 janvier 2 06 /01 /Jan 13:16

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My name is Etienne Pariholl (EroChapeau). I´m a mature Gentleman (50+, amateur-photographer and nude-model from Germany. I love to pose nude. I´m looking for a mature Lady (45+65+) for erotic e-mail-exchange and (with sympathy) for photo-shootings (strip and CFNM with mature women is possible) and/or for escort and for friendship (no fast sex). Details:

Thank you so much in front

and many greetings from Germany to the nice France.



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commentaire n° :1 posté par : poiu le: 05/04/2012 à 09h00

Images Aléatoires

  • HPIM7195a.jpg
  • Photo-086.jpg
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  • wendy-venusP6743bis.jpg
  • HPIM5359.jpg
  • HPIM5306cb.jpg
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