Mercredi 10 septembre 3 10 /09 /Sep 19:50

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couple de Anvers Hollande
 39 ans pour elle et 41 ans pour lui
recherchons couples pour echanges photos

Lundi 8 septembre 1 08 /09 /Sep 17:39

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We are Pat and Angela. We are a mature married couple and live in SE England and love swapping pictures with other similar couples



Dimanche 7 septembre 7 07 /09 /Sep 00:41

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51 years old
United States

Horny mature woman who wants to have fun

Samedi 6 septembre 6 06 /09 /Sep 12:38

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Noi siamo una vera coppia italiana e ci piace foto scambiare foto personali, non censurate, con altre coppie.
Per le coppie che ci contatteranno verrà richiesta una loro foto di verifica. Annuncio rivolto solo a coppie certificate o disposte a farlo. Carlo&Sonia
Nous sommes un vrai couple italien et nous aimons échanger des images photos personnelles, non censurées, avec d'autres couples.
Pour les couples avec qui nous demande une vérification de leurs photos. Annonce traitée que lors d'paires certifiés ou disposés à le faire. Carlo&Sonia
We are a real italian couple and we like to exchange personal photos, not censored, with other couples.
For couples who contact us will request a verification of their photos. Announce addressed only in pairs certified or willing to do so. Carlo&Sonia


Mercredi 3 septembre 3 03 /09 /Sep 19:01

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I am wanting and waiting. I am quiet, conservative, direct to the point, attractive, petite, like the good things of life. Once a year my husband allows me to have one or two adventures with someone. Who will be the lucky person this year ?
Should you wish to have one such adventure, please do not hesitate to let us know. Who wants to enjoy and invade my narrow path. Who wants to give me pleasure so delicious before same comes to an end. Who wants to let me feel the penis submerged inside my narrow tunnel by digging, digging and digging deeper until my trembled shouting evaporates from such glorious fun. For the spasms crown my satisfaction. Let me then leave with the semen flowing down the solitary wet vagina. This is not a ploy.


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  • HPIM5359.jpg
  • HPIM5306cb.jpg
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